Monday, February 17, 2020

Unilever and Nestle are facing political and economic challenges in Essay

Unilever and Nestle are facing political and economic challenges in middle eastern and north African countries - Essay Example Financial productivity is the main aim of every financial establishment. For the past several decades, Unilever and Nestle companies have operated on good financial bases. On average, Nestle gets 28% of its finances from European markets, 44% of the revenues from the Americas and 28% from Africa, Oceania and Asia. Likewise, Unilever makes a large portion of its profits from Europe and the United States of America (Nestle 2006, 12). There is relatively low revenue collected by both companies in the Middle East and North African countries. These parts of the world are particularly unproductive for Unilever and Nestle given the political instability in the regions. Governance of countries in the Middle East and North Africa do not encourage Foreign Direct Investment given unpredictable economic policies (Unilever 2013, 32). Given the instability of political environment in North Africa and Middle East, economic situation of the populations around the regions curtails the purchasing power of the inhabitants. A complete essay of this paper will answer the question: How do Unilever and Nestle face political and economic challenges in Middle Eastern and North African countries? It places a hypothesis that economic and political challenges in these regions have negative effects on investment of the two companies in the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Write a 2400-word short story. This should be accompanied by a Essay

Write a 2400-word short story. This should be accompanied by a 600-word critical commentary - Essay Example There must be something to it. For years he toiled and explored exploring the depts of the universe as well as here on earth for signs of an extra territestrial being. Those work and exploration did not yield anything for years. Until 15 years later. It was in circa 2115 where Professor X, head of Planet University Physics department was in his usual routine of sending radio signals into the outer space. Nobody took Professor X’s effort seriously dismissing that the Professor has been chasing a pipe dream of looking for something that does not exist. A wasted genius they say. But still, Professor X continued beaming his signals into the outer space. It was a sunny afternoon. Professor X has finished taking his lunch after completing his routine of sending signal beam into the space in his previously planned plots. Everything was usual, he supposed and went about after his lunch. Routine. Then suddenly, a blip. A blip in the radar. It seems to be a response. But Professor has to confirm first if indeed it was response to the signals he beamed. Diagnostics were run. The lethargy of the engineers were suddenly replaced by enthusiastic gusto. It was confirmed. It is a response. Professor X was ecstatic, he himself cannot believe that his radio transmission were returned. For the first time in the history of science, a contact was made with an intelligent creature light years away. Who would have thought that life beyond our planet and solar system exists? Since time immemorial, it has always been the fascination of mankind to see an intelligent being from aother planet. Yet, aside from rumors that extra territestrials had been caught or found, nothing was ever proven that almost all scientist abandoned the idea of finding one, except for Professor X, the eccentric scientist of Planet University. And here he is now, running back the recording of response. Enjoying every moment of it, relishing his